For more than 4 decades our financial support has come from individuals, churches, businesses, organizations and clubs that provide both monetary and in-kind support for our programs and services. Special events are held throughout the year to raise additional financial support. Interfaith operates a thrift store in Ocala, which generates funds to support our prescription program. All monetary and in-kind donations are tax-deductible.
When you provide a donation to Interfaith, you become an essential part of our mission. There are so many ways you can help:
Monetary donation; one-time gifts, monthly recurring support and planned gifts.
Cleaning out your closets to stock our Thrift Store and our Free Clothing Boutique
Donating food to ensure our food pantry is well-stocked
Giving hygiene items (toothpaste/brush, deodorant, shampoo, etc) regular and travel size
Donating household items in good condition to our Thrift Store
Volunteer your time once a week
Pray for our ministry
Interfaith Emergency Services
P.O. Box 992
Ocala, FL 34478
Credit Card:
Please note that your phone number and address provided for your donation are only requested pursuant to the bank authorization request. Any information provided is secure and will not be shared or used in any way other than transactional purposes.
Questions? contact our Finance Director at 352-629-8868.
In Honor of/In Memory of Donation
If you would like to honor someone special in your life or give a donation in a loved one’s name, any gift may be given “In Honor of” or in “Memory of” a friend or family member. The individual honored or family of the departed will receive an acknowledgement letter. Please indicate on your payment the person’s name, and whether it is in honor or memory, and the contact information for the acknowledgment (name and complete mailing address).
Donating Items
Dropping off donations of food, hygiene items or clothing:
Location: 450 NW 2nd Street, Ocala FL 34475
Hours: Monday – Friday, 9am – 11am and 1pm – 4pm
Thrift Store takes donations of household items, furniture, appliances, clothing, baby items, jewelry and collectibles, and more. We also do estate pickups. If you have larger items you would like picked up, please call our store at (352) 351-3541.
Food Drives: We love our community partners that host food and hygiene drives, which provide an enormous support to our pantry. If you would like more information about how your local group can start a drive for us, please contact our Food Distribution Manager at (352) 622-4204.
Reach into the future and help people after you’re gone. Support our mission into perpetuity through the Interfaith Endowment Fund. These funds are managed in long-term investments to maximize the impact of the gift and provide ongoing support well into the future. Gifts designated for the Interfaith Endowment will be added to the portfolio and managed according to our adopted Investment Policy. Our endowment is managed by Morgan Stanley and overseen by a qualified Endowment Committee under the Board of Directors. This policy is available to donors upon request. The Interfaith Endowment may accept the following types of gifts:
Real Estate
Life Insurance
Charitable Remainder Trusts
Retirement Plan Beneficiary Designations
Life Insurance Beneficiary Designations
If you are considering leaving a legacy gift to the Interfaith Endowment, please contact Karla Greenway at 352-629-8868.
We believe in transparency. The following documentation, including our annual independent financial audit from a qualified CPA, can be made available upon request. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to our CEO, Karla Greenway at 352-629-8868.
Form 990
Donor Privacy Policy
Conflict of Interest Policy
Grievance Policy
Records Retention & Destruction Policy
Investment Policy
A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling toll-free (800) 435-7352 or visiting www.FloridaConsumerHelp.com. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state.